sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

Vocabulary #3 The Mouse and The Motorcycle

Chromium Mufflers:  A metal pipe that deadens the noise of a motor vehicles engine.

Fenders:  A cover or guard mounted above and around a wheel, as on a car or bicycle.

Incinerator:  A furnace for burning garbage.

Hand Cluth:  A lever that operates the cluth

Momentum: The force or speed that something has when it moves.

Reckless: Not careful or cautions

Exhaust Pipes:  A pipe through which gases are realeased from an engine.

Coast: To move or contiue to move without use of power.

Threshold: The point where begins.A threshold is the same at the beginning.

Spokes: A  rod or brace that connects the rim of a whell toits hub.

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